Best hostel in cordoba Argentina

When looking for a stay in Cordoba, we have a great range of hotels and hostels , being a city of choice for local and international tourism and its main quality as a university center of the country , thousands of tourists arrive each year .

things  to have a hostel to be the best in Cordoba?

Location : in cordoba have 2 areas or neighborhoods ideal for tourists.

First the center or downtown that provides access to major tourist attractions such as the Plaza San Martin and the cathedral of Cordoba and is as its name indicates the center of all areas of the city with lots of transportation available and close to the terminal buses.

Second place Nueva Cordoba the center of youth and college students offering nighttime outings and good restaurants also close to the downtown area .

Cleaning: To experience the best hostel cordoba this point is very important because the comfort of the place usually is linked to cleanliness, looking hostel that have good reviews and are been recently renovated and houses with good quality mattresses , preferably new and linen change . Maybe to save you encounter surprises.

Staff : The staff of a hostel is key to understanding the culture from within, to have information and enjoy good times as roasts and practice your Spanish with Cordobez accent.

Activities: To not get bored after walking through the main attractions of the city, we recommend you excursions outside cordoba and you ‘ll be surprised how many landscapes , rivers and mountains that are unique in cordoba .

Breakfast : Start the day with a good breakfast changes the mood for the whole day , there is a big difference between the hostel and offered no and those who strive to give a differential service .

To stay in our hostel or ask for recommendations of the best hostel in Cordoba please send your inquiry to We put great emphasis on everything discussed above to make your stay in cordoba an excellent experience. We speak Spanish , English be welcome!

Options in cordoba City Argentina

Hostel Cheap Hotel   superior Hotel Apart Hotel
Kitchen Yes No  No Yes
Breakfast Yes No Yes No
Bed Clothes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Activities Yes No No No
Air accondition Yes No Yes Yes
Share rooms Optional No No No
Barbaque Yes No No Sometimes